Update auf Serendipity 1.3
Geschrieben von Mario Hommel amSo, der Blog ist jetzt auch auf der aktuellen Version von Serendipity. Neben einigen Sicherheits-Aktualisierungen (vor allem XSS-Schwächen) gibt es auch Neuerungen:
The karma rating plugin has been upgraded to support nice, CSS-based rating graphics and an overall rehaul on the its coding.
Make the Spartacus plugin be able to use FTP upload, a workaround
for SafeMode PHP restrictions. Also add a remote backend for plugin
update checks.An importer for phpNuke and lifetype has been added.
Support for pingbacks has been improved a lot. Trackbacks can now be blocked based on Sender IP checks.
Add better CSS styling for some internal plugins and the embedding
of images. Also made the Remote-RSS plugin to be capable of
Smarty-Templating.Increased Smarty templating features for the {serendipity_fetchPrintEntries} function, to be able to check for entry properties.
Add support for SQRelay.
Minor CSS and graphic updates to the Bulletproof template.
Alle Neuerungen finden sich im NEWS-File des Downloads.
(siehe auch S9Y-Blog)
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